Laminate-wood flooring is composed of several different layers which when they become fused together make a very durable material. Normally the top layer is transparent and this is specially treated in order that it is highly resistant to being scratched, burnt, dented or stained. The next layer is the decorative layer and this is what gives it its aesthetic look and can come in not just wood effect but also as ceramic or stone also. The main core layer (the middle one) is made from either a high or medium density fiberboard and this is there to help support the weight and stress caused by all those feet walking across it. The final layer of any laminate-wood flooring is there to provide strength and stability to the other layers.
Laminate-wood flooring originated in Europe but in the last few years it has become a major flooring category for many North American consumers. In fact if you were to take a look at any of your local flooring suppliers you would be amazed at the types of laminate wood flooring that they have available from different brands to different designs, colors and sizes. As well as this they also come in a variety of different plant widths as well as being available as square tiles also.
When you are looking at laminate wood flooring you will see that they come with an AC rating and this relates to the durability levels of the laminate flooring in question. This rating has been applied to all lines of laminate flooring including laminate-wood flooring by the EPLF (European Producers of Laminate Flooring). They are there to provide you with an idea of just how resistant they are to stress and so will help you understand more easily the difference in the durability of each time of laminate-wood flooring that is now available. But in order for an AC rating to be assigned to any type of laminate flooring be it wood or ceramic or tiles then a series of tests are carried out in order to assess its resistance to burning, scratching, stains and impact. Only the best types of laminate-wood flooring will have a rating and this helps to show that they have passed all the tests carried out on them.
For more information on flooring try visiting, a website that specializes in providing helpful flooring tips, advice and resources to include Laminate-Wood Flooring and more.
Laminate-Wood Flooring - The Basics
Laminate-Wood Flooring