Laminate Flooring Installation Buyer's Guide - Tips For Taking In The AC Rating

A laminate flooring installation will be only as successful as your ability to judge the quality of the flooring planks. It is absolutely vital to match the characteristics of the flooring to the area in which it will be installed. A high traffic living room floor cluttered with kid's crayons and punished by pet claws, calls for a tougher laminate flooring installation than that of a tranquil guest room.

One indication of the suitability of a particular flooring range for a specific home remodeling area is its Abrasion Class Rating, or AC Rating. The AC RAting was developed by The European Producers of Laminate Flooring (EPLF). It is a clear and easily understandable indication of the laminate flooring installation's ability to withstand stress, wear, impact, burns, stains, scratches, and other calamities. Swelling of the core during contact with fluids after installing the laminate floor, is also examined. In addition, the tests done on the flooring ascertain to what level it can resist damage done by furniture feet or casters. Once the tests have been done, the results are used to determine for which areas the particular flooring product will be appropriate.

Recently the tests have become even more exhaustive, with abrasion resistance being challenged to a greater extent. With the implementation of these changes, getting a high abrasion classification has more difficult than ever.

The AC Rating symbols make it easy to understand the characteristics and robustness of a particular laminate flooring installation. If it is a residential flooring solution, the AC Rating will be indicated with a house symbol. In the case of a commercial product, the pictograph will show a building. In addition, next to this symbol, will be a picture of people. The number of figures indicate the traffic intensity the flooring has been manufactured for.

AC1: Indicates a laminate flooring installation suitable for residential bedrooms and guest rooms with moderate traffic.

AC2: Flooring lines able to cope with normal residential living room and dining room activity.

AC3: Laminate flooring installations robust enough for heavy traffic in any residential space.

AC4: Laminate flooring that can be used in a commercial setting such as a small office or restaurant where the traffic is moderate.

AC5: These tough-as-nails laminate flooring installations can withstand the hustle and bustle of public buildings, department stores and other high traffic commercial areas.

Never judge a laminate flooring installation simply by its price tag. Take notice of the AC Rating to ensure that you won't be disappointed with the performance of the floor on completion of your home improvement project. If you choose a cheap or discount laminate flooring product, it may come without the rating, indicating that it either failed the tests, or never went through the judging process.

For residential use, opt for an AC Rating of at least AC3, such as displayed by the Accolade Pergo Flooring line. Upping your choice to the higher levels may seem prudent if you don't have budget concerns, but you must remember that these products are manufactured to have a rougher surface. Your feet may not appreciate the difference, even if your pocketbook is happy with the long-term durability of the purchase! You may also discover that your socks suddenly begin to look moth-eaten due to the rough treatment doled out by the laminate flooring installation.

The AC Rating makes choosing the grade of your laminate flooring installation a cinch. Now, if only you can decide on a design and texture... - Don't start your laminate flooring installation before reading the secrets of installing laminate flooring by Rika Susan, and taking a look at pergo laminate flooring at Copyright of this article: 2007 Rika Susan. This article may be reprinted if the resource box and hyperlinks are left intact.