Laminates were first used as a flooring material in Europe. In recent years, many US customers have also been using laminate flooring for their homes. This has resulted in manufacturers introducing a wide variety of laminate flooring options targeted at the US consumer. Laminate floorings come in different designs, sizes and colors. They are also available in different plank widths and tile sizes. Their designs vary from realistic stone and tile to hardwood.
Laminate floorings are attractive and durable. They are resistant to wear and are scratch proof. As laminates have low maintenance costs and are easy to clean, they can be used in both commercial and household buildings.
Homeowners can easily assemble a laminate floor on their own, though many prefer to get it done with professional help. Laminate floors are installed by “floating” the planks over substrates. The substrates are usually made of plywood, OSB, concrete slabs or an existing floor covering. The planks and tiles have tongue and groove edges. These edges lock themselves together. Some laminates are glued together while other just snap together without glue. Laminate floors are never secured directly to the sub floor.
It has been observed that laminate flooring is spoiled when exposed to water. They also can corrode due to excessive exposure to humidity and moisture. Most manufacturers forewarn that the warranty provided by them would not apply if a laminate were to be spoiled because of exposure to water. Laminates tend to expand or contract as a result of temperature change and this may cause cracks or breakage.
It is economic to buy laminate flooring from a wholesaler. Companies also prefer selling wholesale because it generates cost savings due to a shorter supply chain.
Market surveys reveal that a majority of home- owners who have used laminate flooring are satisfied with it. The low cost of laminate flooring when compared to other flooring materials, combined with its durability and easy maintenance makes them a viable flooring option.
Laminate Flooring provides detailed information on Laminate Flooring, Laminate Wood Flooring, How To Install Laminate Flooring, Discount Laminate Flooring and more. Laminate Flooring is affiliated with Hardwood Laminate Floors.