How To Install Laminate Flooring

If you are attempting laminate flooring installation for first time it may appear a daunting task for you in the beginning but believe me if you spend little time in understanding the procedure about how to install laminate flooring as per the instructions provided by the manufacturer you can do it easily with out any difficulty. You need to have the required tool kit at your dispense and you are ready to go.

But before you start, make sure you plan your installation properly, as with any task preparation is the key. Measure your laying area properly; recheck you have right numbers of laminate squares with you; gauge the space to be floored. This little time which you spend in preparing before hand can safe you tremendous amount of time and installation hassles.

Decide your substrate or sub floor you are intending to use. Adaptability is the beauty of floating laminate flooring. It can be placed on almost any substrate including wood, concrete or any other existing flooring. Check with your manufacturer about the ideal temperature in which you can install the laminate flooring. You need to leave your laminates at the place of installation for at least 24-48 hours so that they can acclimatize to the conditions.

While installing the laminates leave a gap of 5X16'' from the wall. Place wood or plastic spacers to ensure that you lay all squares in proper order and maintain uniform space all along the wall. This space is integral to the installation as it allows for expansion due to temperature changes. Not leaving this space can damage your laminates with any temperature change.

If you are installing over a large area provide 3/8'' for expansion joints every 30-40 linear feet. To mask these you can use expansive joint sealant in these intermediary expansion joints. Expansive joint sealant is also used to seal joints between boards. Make sure you clean and dry surfaces thoroughly before applying sealant.

When installation is complete allow at least 24 hours for joints to dry and settle on the floor. Then clean the floor to remove any debris and left over mess from the installation. Then thoroughly inspect al joints for evenness.

Please find more information about laminate flooring here: